Test Page

This is a page to test and visualize all of the markdown features we support in one place, along with some corner cases I encountered.

Paragraphs and Their Contents

This paragraph has a link to the about page in it. This link to the LISP Wikipedia page has parentheses in the URL, which is a corner case we need to handle. A paragraph can also contain bold text, italic text, and text that is both bold and italic at the same time. We can even style links in italic type. The next paragraph shows what multiple lines of plain text look like with the current styling.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec non urna ultricies, maximus urna eget, dapibus justo. Aliquam elementum velit velit, sed luctus ante fringilla vitae. Sed vestibulum, risus et mattis ultricies, nibh sem vulputate risus, in placerat urna orci eget erat. Sed ultrices tellus sit amet libero faucibus, non aliquet diam iaculis. Sed fermentum, nisi eget dictum dictum, lectus sapien sollicitudin libero, in placerat magna quam ut urna. Nunc urna odio, faucibus a pretium vel, dignissim a turpis. Pellentesque congue faucibus nisl, sit amet finibus ipsum interdum sed.

Code Blocks

This is a little inline code snippet x = y + foo() inside of a paragraph. References to individual variables look like x, y and foo. A function call looks like foobar(1, 2).

This is a larger multiline code block:

mov r8, 0;
cmp r8d, 2000000000;
jge FOR_EXIT(2DFB)(219)
mov ebx, r8d;
add ebx, 1;
jo ADD_OVER(169);
mov r8, rbx;

Below is a multiline code block with some HTML code that needs to be escaped to display properly:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <title>My Page</title>
    <h1>Hello World</h1>
    <p>This is a basic HTML page.</p>

This is a code block containing a very long identifier which requires scrolling horizontally:


Itemized Lists

This is a plain unordered list:

This is an unordered list with nesting:

This is a plain ordered list:

  1. First item

  2. Second item

  3. Third item

  4. Fourth item

This ordered list starts at number 5:

  1. Hello!

  2. Number 6.

  3. Seven.

This ordered list contains an unordered list:

  1. First item

    • Sub 1

    • Sub 2

    • Sub 3

  2. Second item

  3. Third item

Quote Blocks

This is a simple quote:

Quotes can contain multiple paragraphs. This is the first paragraph of this quote block.

They can also contain the usual italic or bold text, as well as things like web links.

These are two quote blocks separated by a blank line:

"A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new." - Albert Einstein

"If people do not believe that mathematics is simple, it is only because they do not realize how complicated life is." - John von Neumann

This is a quote block containing a list with a nested sublist:

List of fruits:

  • Apples

    • Red apples

    • Green apples

  • Bananas

  • Pears

This is a quote containing another quote:

Second nested quote below:

Hello there!

Second paragraph in the toplevel quote

YouTube Video Embedding

Sometimes on my blog I embed YouTube videos that I think are relevant. This is done using an <iframe> tag.

Image Support

Small Image of a Watch Mechanism

This is a small image. It remains small and doesn't get upscaled.

Watch mechanism
Watch mechanism

Large Image

The following image is large, and its width is limited to a percentage of the parent container's width while remaining centered. The height of the image is also limited so that it doesn't feel overwhelmingly large. You can also click the image to see the full size version.

Ring space station with spin gravity
Ring space station with spin gravity